Saturday, June 6, 2020

Compassion First

There are a few times in my life, where I have a learning experience that really sticks to me.

Like, I remember where I was and exactly what I was doing when I learned it.

I have been thinking about a particularly learning experience a lot, lately.

Several years ago, my husband had someone close to him make some accusations against someone else close to him.

My first response was to figure out what the truth was.

I did not want to believe it and I wanted to fight against it.

How could this person be feeling this way?

I just couldn't see it.

The way I remember my husband responding was something like this:

"That doesn't matter right now, what matters is that this is what they are feeling."

That is the saying that keeps coming to my mind over and over again.

It is not my job to figure out what the problem is, or how I can fix it.

Right now, my job is to listen to what others are feeling.

Figuring out solutions will come.

But, this is what they are feeling.

My focus needs to be on compassion first.