Thursday, May 27, 2010


I am really behind in the whole scrapbooking thing.

I am horrible about taking pictures of things (I totally rely on my sister).

I'm even worse about organizing them (in some way other than in whatever folder they happen to download to on the computer).

Are my children are missing out?

When I do remember to take pictures I'm always disappointed because I end up viewing the important event from behind a little screen.

It bums me out to see these events second-hand.

I feel like I'm missing out.

- - - pause for light-bulb moment - - -

(self-talk q:) what is the purpose of recording these events?
(self-talk a:) I suppose its for those participating to have some reminder.

Could this be one of those sacrifices that we as parents, should make for our children? (I'm so not good at this whole sacrifice thing; isn't it all about me?)

I may miss out on some of the present excitement, but then that memory is carried on for my child and others.

Is that the deal?

Help me out here. Because I feel like I'm missing out either way.

(Maybe if I did it more often I could be confident of holding the camera just right and not have to look through it to get the picture?)


  1. I make my husband take videos/pictures at social events. It's a win/win situation.

  2. I just enjoy taking pictures... that's why I do it. I also make my kids pose for the pictures which also means they are pausing the excitement. :) I'm not much help here sorry.

  3. I always knew I was loved the most because there were more pictures of me. :) Wah ha ha ha!!! I don't know if that helped you, but it made me feel better.

  4. you know what? you just need one of those digital cameras with a big screen on the you don't have to peer through the view finder!

  5. I say You keep looking at your children without the camera in front of your face and if you take enough picture of whatever the camera is pointing at then occasionally it will take a picture of your children. you will get the best of both worlds!

  6. Been there, thought that! Many times! I hardly have any pictures of me in anything - taking them all the time.
    I'm torn too from wanting to just put the camera away and sit and enjoy and watch - but then having a bad memory I want that picture too to look at later. My problem is, is that I take tons of pictures and they sit in my computer.
    I've started making a travel journal - one for each family member - big and small. We just went to Oregon and ended up filling out the kids' journals when we got back. It was so fun to sit with them one-on-one and ask about their favorite parts, etc. and then I print a few pics they choose of their favorite parts. Fun to have one-on-one and relive those moments. Then they'll have a personal souvenir about the trip later. But also quietly hoping they'll like to look back at those later (since I get to keep them for now).
