Monday, June 5, 2023

No Answer

I'm not usually one who gets powerful answers to prayers.

Most of my experiences of recognizing the Spirit speaking to me comes through peace.

I've learned that when I do receive a strong impression it usually means that I'm going to need to rely on that answer because it probably won't make sense to me.

Here's an old example.

I had planned on homeschooling my youngest son.

Then I felt impressed that I needed to send him to kindergarten instead.

I didn't want to do that.

But, I listened  hearkened.

Three months later, I ended up getting a part-time job.

Six months later, I was called to be Relief Society president.

The latest instance of getting an answer was just last summer.

I felt like I had been led to teach seminary.

I took the class.

I did a teaching practicum.

I got a job as a substitute seminary teacher.

And, I was waiting to see if I could move forward in the process.

I really wanted to become a full-time teacher.

Everything felt right about it.

As I went to the temple and prayed about it, I had a very clear answer: "Just substitute".


That is not what I wanted.

I  hearkened, but half-heartedly.

At General conference time I listened to the talks with the question still in my heart.

Can I be a full-time seminary teacher?

Is there something else I should be doing?

And then Elder Renlund spoke.

Saturday morning.

Here is the quote that was meant for me.

"If we have received personal revelation for our situation and the circumstances have not changed, God has already answered our question."

And he used the example Joseph Smith and the lost 116 pages of the Book of Mormon.

Wow, I didn't have to wait long for that answer. 

"Just substitute" was the answer that I needed to accept  receive.

Elder Renlund continued saying,

"Even as we trust God's prior answers, we need to be open to further personal revelation....We should recognize that... revealed direction can be and frequently is incremental."

I'm definitely still learning.

And I don't like being told no.

But, I do know that God loves me.

I know that He has blessed me with the gift of the Holy Ghost.

And that I am part of His work and His glory.

I will continue to trust and be amazed at His plan.


1 comment:

  1. AND I'll bet you are the best dang substitute Seminary teacher ever! ❤️ Thanks for your words and the beautiful reminder of hearing and receiving and hearkening!
