Thursday, December 26, 2024


" And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things."  Moroni 10:5

"What experiences have you had when the spirit has shown you truth?"

This was the question I asked during our family's morning scripture study.

The answer that came to my mind surprised me.

Earlier that morning, during my personal prayer time, I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the family I grew up in.

I have fantastic siblings. 

And two incredible parents that raised me in the gospel and taught me so much by example.

We definitely all have "issues" and don't get along perfectly.

But, each of my brothers and sisters is remarkable and has lived through unique and amazing experiences. 

I have learned so much from them and continue to be blessed by their examples.

As I had these feelings of gratitude and amazement, I realized that the Holy Ghost was showing me the truth of "these things".

The surprise wasn't that I love my family.

It was that I had always thought being shown truth was just about figuring out right vs wrong, or good vs bad.

But that morning, I learned that truth can be known through expressing gratitude!

God is so good.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Choice Experience

Next week I start a new job.

It's been a journey to get here.

I wasn't planning on applying for the job.

My work was finally starting to feel really good.

One day, as I was driving with my husband, I said, "By the way, I'm going to apply for that job."

I hadn't planned on saying that.

But, as soon as I did, I knew that it was right.

So I applied for the job, but didn't care if I got it.

During one of my prayers I felt as if God was asking me if I wanted the job.

My response was, as always, "I want whatever you want for me."

Except, that's not what He asked.

He wanted to know what I wanted.

It was my choice.

That was harder.

It made me think about it more and make decisions.

I realized that I did want the job because of the growth and learning that would come from it.

And I knew that God would take care of any fears or doubt that I had about starting over.

Even after making that decision, I still felt it would be fine either way.

Because I went through that "living discussion" with the Lord, I was able to have the peace I needed when I was offered the job.

It is good to want to do the Lord's will.

But, the whole point of the plan of salvation is to make choices to become more like Him.

And to have experiences to teach us and help us grow.

God helped me learn that by asking me to choose.

I will always choose God.

And I know that He will never leave me alone.

Friday, November 15, 2024

small and simple pt2

In a class that I'm taking, we have an "accountability" project.

We chose personal daily goals and came up with punishments incentives if we miss a day.

I'm a goal setter.

I love pushing myself!

And I'm used to setting big and little goals for myself.

But, for this project we were to have no more than 3-4 daily goals.

It was hard for me to narrow it down.

These are the goals I picked: 

  • 10 minutes of prayer/pondering
  • No computer games
  • Eat one serving of vegetables a day.
  • Meet my step goal (up to 10,000)

I track these on a spreadsheet that is shared with a few members of my class.

If you know me, you know that I'm competitive.

I like to win.

Putting a check mark in each box definitely feels like a win.

But, it also felt too simple.

These were easy goals to reach.

Easy to reach, one day at a time.

And then I noticed something.

I would start thinking about all the other things I needed to be doing.

In the past, I would always end up adding a few more "goals" to my list.

And then start getting overwhelmed.

This time I chose to stick with these four simple goals.

I allowed myself some grace to not. do. everything.

I wish that I could explain the difference it has made in my life.

And not just because now I want to eat vegetables.

And not because I am winning.

My choice to focus on small and simple, allows my mind to be more free.

More free to hear God's will instead of mine.

Small and simple for the win.

Friday, November 8, 2024

Small and Simple


Now ye may suppose that this is foolishness in me; but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise.

And the Lord God doth work by means to bring about his great and eternal purposes; and by very small means the Lord doth confound the wise and bringeth about the salvation of many souls.

Alma 37:6-7 

Lately, life has been teaching me this lesson.

Here's a simple example.

I thought, "These shoes do not work with any of my clothes. I need a new wardrobe."

What worked?

I bought one pair of socks that made the shoes work.

There is a lot more to say about this but I want to keep this post small and simple.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

On the Road to Emmaus

This is probably one of my favorite stories in the New Testament.

It's found in Luke 24.

Mary and other women had been to the sepulchre and saw that Christ was not there.

An angel testified to them that He was risen and told them to tell His disciples.

After being told of this miraculous event and not believing it, two of His disciples walked to a village.

And they talked while they walked; trying to figure everything out.

While they were talking, Jesus joined them.

But "their eyes were holden that they should not know him."

And He asked them to explain to Him what they were discussing and why they were sad.

They couldn't believe that He hadn't heard everything that had happened in Jerusalem recently.

So they explained to Him what they believed had happened and what they had hoped would happen.

His response was to teach them and expound scriptures to them.

As they came closer to the village (which was more than seven miles away) it seemed that Jesus was going to keep walking.

They still did not know who was walking with them but they "constrained him, saying Abide with us: for it is toward evening, and the day is far spent."

Can you imagine being taught by Jesus for that entire seven mile walk?

Of course, they wanted Him to abide with them.

But, it wasn't until after Jesus had broken bread with them that their eyes were opened and they knew Him.

What was their response?

They immediately went back to Jerusalem.

And they found the other disciples and "told what things were done in the way, and how he was known of them in breaking of bread."

There are times when my eyes are "holden" or restrained from seeing the Savior in my life.

Could it be that He wants me to talk to Him about what I know and what I'm hoping for?

Not being able to see Jesus doesn't mean that He isn't walking with me.

He is always there asking me what I'm worrying about or why I'm sad.

Asking me what I believe so He can teach me.

But, I have to take the time to hear Him.

So, if I study His words in the scriptures with a purpose, it becomes different than just reading the scriptures.

That is when my heart burns and I lose track of time and I want Him to abide with me.

I feel like I could "walk" forever if I were just able to keep that feeling with me.

The gospel word for that is endure.

But, how do I know Jesus?

When are my eyes opened so I can see Him.

On Sunday, I get to break bread with Jesus.

When I take the sacrament I promise to remember Him always.

And His promise is that I can have His Spirit with me always.

If I take the time to reflect on my weekly journey, I see Christ.

This is how I know Jesus.

I know that He died for me.

I know that He loves me.

I see Him.

And just like his disciples I want to share that with everyone.

Jesus Christ lives!


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