I had this new thought as I was teaching about Zion in Sunday School yesterday.
In the scriptures, Zion is referred to as "the pure in heart". (D&C 97:21)
No where does it say that we have to be perfect to be a part of Zion.
Just pure.
What's the difference between pure and perfect?
I believe it is my actions.
I can be pure by having my heart in the right place at all times.
And then I can constantly work on my actions to become more perfect through the Atonement of Christ.
Having my heart in the right place means that I cannot judge others.
"Don't judge me because I sin differently than you do." (Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, April 2012)
To me, that is Zion.
Being one in heart and purpose.
Not judging; but helping each other as we use the Atonement to become perfect.