Thursday, January 10, 2019

Being Perfect

I was reading, Luke 1:37 in my gospel study this morning, "With God, nothing shall be impossible"

So, I asked myself the question, "What seems impossible to me?"

Getting everything done that I need to.

Staying focused on what needs to be done.

Basically, being perfect!

Then I remembered an experience I had the other Sunday while taking the sacrament.

My mind was going over all the things I needed to do better in the up-coming week.

And I heard a whispering in my mind that said, "You don't need to be perfect".

It was then that I realized that I was thinking about all the things I was not doing perfectly.

But, what about the scripture (Matt. 5:48) that says, "Be ye therefore perfect..."?

I have heard that one translation of perfect, actually means "complete".

Be ye therefore complete.

The only way I can be complete is with Jesus Christ.

When I take the sacrament I am renewing my covenant to take His name upon me.

As long as I am remembering Christ and trying to become who He wants me to be, I am complete.

My focus needs to be on Jesus Christ.

Not just "what am I not doing right?'

I remember Jesus by repenting and choosing to do God's will.

I remember Jesus when I pray and study my scriptures daily.

Jesus will perfect (complete) me. 

Because with God, nothing shall be impossible .

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