Ok, here's a dilemma.
I have a child (I will refer to her as A) who has started being sarcastic.
Why the dilemma?
Well, part of me is worried that she is going to end up being snotty like her father and mother.
But the other (bigger) part of me is just proud that she is finally getting it!
It's kind of weird the things I get proud of as a parent.
For instance, one time at parent teacher conference this same child had given herself low marks in respects authority. When her teacher asked her why the low marks, she replied, "well, if someone in authority told me to do something bad I wouldn't do it."
Unfortunately, I couldn't high five her in front of the teacher. But I really wanted to!
What kind of child am I raising?
Apparently, one who thinks for herself and is funny, finally.
i think it sounds like you are raising her right ; )