Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Perfect World

It seems like I have lived a hundred different lives.

And I have friends from all of these times.

Some of these friends I still keep in touch with; but not that well.

And some of the people may not even know how much I like them and miss them.

It would be perfect to live in a neighborhood with all of the friends that I have ever made.

But, there are so many people that the neighborhood would probably end up being a city.

And I guess I would like my family to live close.

You know, just outside the red zone.  (That's what my husband calls the area that is too close to family.)

So, I guess I'd really need a county or two.

But, I really love meeting new people, and I'm sure I'm not done making friends, so there would have to be room to grow.

And I do want my kids to eventually grow up and move out on their own.

So, maybe it's really my own state that I need.

And, since I like taking road trips with the family, I'd really need a country to drive across.

The problem is that someday I would love to learn to speak another language fluently.

I think the best way to do that is to visit other countries.

Welcome to my perfect world.

Won't you be my neighbor?

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